To the love of my life!
Mark Roy Hamlin 4/9/1956-6/13/2011...........Mark went to be with the Lord. This I know because he believed and loved the Lord with all his heart, soul, mind and strength. He shared the Good News with everyone who would listen. He was and IS my only true love. No one will ever take his place. He loved me and I loved him. He lived for me and I lived for him. He was selfless by doing and giving to everyone before ever doing or getting for himself. He was also content with what he had.....he never looked or required more. And he never complained.
He will be missed not only by me, and Freckle, but by his MANY friends. Oh how I miss him! I would love so much to her him call me Kidd, to tell me I am beautiful, to see him smile, hear his laugh, tell me to have a nice day. For him to hold my hand and tell me he loves me so much. I loved his voice and how strong he was. He was my protector........and now he is my guardian angel.
It is a comfort to know that he is with the his house with many rooms. One prepared just for him. He is in his new body, one free from pain, no more suffering, no more tears. I need to keep reminding myself that, and know it would be selfish of me to want him to be here with me................ where he was happy, but miserable though he never complained.
Dear Lord, take care of him for me.......It is now up to me to live a righteous life, to pick up where Mark left off. To never be ashamed of your name and to be bold about my faith. I need to be a living testimony to where I see Jesus in others and they see Jesus in me. In doing this, I know I will see and be with You and be with Mark again..........There will be no one else for me!
Heaven is only a heart bet away!I love you so much, always have and always will.......
Love, Kidd
By Judy Santerre- Hamlin on Wednesday June 15, 2001 at 7:12 am